New Delhi: Gunshots were fired at Rohini court premises on Friday. The assailants opened fire at gangster Jitender Mann 'Gogi' when he was brought to Delhi's Rohini court by police for a hearing.
The attackers were shot dead by the police, news agency ANI reported.
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"Jitender's gang used to run extortion rackets. As he was produced before the court, some assailants in lawyers' clothes opened fire and killed him in court premises. Delhi Police reacted swiftly and shot dead the assailants: Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana said, as quoted by ANI.
One of them was carrying a reward of Rs 50,000, he told ANI earlier.
Soon after the firing, it was reported that the gangster Jitender Mann 'Gogi' has died. A video of the incident, wherein the gunshots fired at the court can be heard, was also shared on Twitter.
Informing about the incident, Delhi police said that the 2 gangsters disguised in lawyers' attire were killed in immediate counterfire as they shot Jitender Mann 'Gogi' who had appeared in Rohini court premises today.
"No one was injured during the incident. Police took clean and correct action while bringing down the assailants. We will now investigate the issue of security lapse": Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana said about the encounter in Rohini court.
Jt CP Northern range will inquire into the incident and submit the report, the Delhi police had informed after the incident.
Meanwhile, Rakesh Sherawat, the Chairman of Bar Council of Delhi, condemned the shootout saying, "Incident at Rohini Court is a major security lapse. We condemn it. Such incidents have been repeatedly happening, court security is at stake. Despite raising this issue to Delhi CP, no concrete step has been taken".
"It's due to the security personnel's carelessness that such incidents have been recurring. We will take this issue up in an urgent meeting, will try meeting Delhi CP either today or tomorrow... and demand action against responsible police officers," he told the agency.