A Delhi court on Thursday extended the custodial remand by 15 days of the four accused in the Parliament security breach case to the Special Cell of Delhi Police. They were brought to Patiala House Court as Thursday was the last day of their seven-day remand. Now, the accused -- Sagar Sharma, Manoranjan D, Neelam Devi and Amol Shinde will remain in police custody till January 5, reported news agency PTI.

"All the four accused were produced before the court today. They (prosecution) demanded further (extension) of policy custody on 7-8 grounds. 15-day custodial remand has been granted (to Delhi Police)," Suresh Kumar Chaudhary, lawyer of Neelam Azad, one of the accused arrested in Parliament security breach case, said.

Sagar Sharma had jumped from the visitor's gallery in the Lok Sabha and moved towards the Speaker as MPs caught him amid an event of surprise that questioned the security apparatus of the Parliament. The lapse took place on the day when the nation was observing the 22nd anniversary of the Parliament terror attack (Dec 15).

While Sharma was being handled by the MPs, standing in the visitor's gallery, Maoranjan opened gas canisters releasing yellow smoke further worsening the situation at hand. Meanwhile, Neelam Devi and Amol Shinde released colored gas outside the Parliament whereas the mastermind Lalit Jha recorded the video of the breach and fled.

Jha later surrendered before the police a day later. Police also detained the cousins who sheltered Jha when he fled to Rajasthan and the couple who housed all the accused in Gurugram.

On Thursday, a software engineer was detained by the Delhi Police Special Cell in connection with the Parliament security breach case, reported PTI. The detainee, identified as Saikrishna Jagali was picked up from his house at Vidyagiri in the district headquarters town of Bagalkote on Wednesday night.  

Jagali, son of retired Deputy Superintendent of Police, who works in a multinational company in Bengaluru is said to be a friend of Manoranjan D, a Mysuru resident who is one of the accused in the case.

ALSO READ | Govt May Hand Over Parliament Security To CISF, Directs Survey Of Complex After Breach