New Delhi: Delhi saw a marginal dip in Covid-19 cases on Thursday, recording 965 fresh infections, according to data shared by the health department. Only one Covid related death was registered.

The positivity rate declined to 4.71 per cent from 5.7 per cent a day ago. On Wednesday, Delhi saw one death and 1,009 fresh Covid cases, the highest since February 10.

On Tuesday, the city had reported 632 cases with a positivity rate of 4.42 per cent.

The number of active cases has increased to 2,970 from 601 on April 11, the data showed. However, the bright spot is that the hospitalisation rate has been low, accounting for less than three per cent of the total active cases, PTI reported.

A total of 20,480 Covid-19 tests were conducted in the city a day ago, the data showed. The overall caseload in the national capital has increased to 18,71,657, while the death toll stands at 26,162.

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There are 57 patients admitted to hospitals in Delhi at present. Of the 9,737 beds available for Covid patients in various hospitals, just 78 are occupied.

With Delhi seeing a spike in Covid cases since the last week, the government on Wednesday made the wearing of masks mandatory in public places and announced a fine of Rs 500 for its violation. It had lifted the fine for not wearing a mask on April 12 following a decline in cases.

The health department said on Thursday that free Covid-19 precautionary dose would be provided to beneficiaries in the 18-59 age group at government vaccination centres.

"In order to give the benefit of precaution dose to all eligible beneficiaries in Delhi, the same will be available for 18 to 59 years' age group, free of cost in all government CVCs from April 21," the health department said in an order.

Necessary changes have been made in the Co-WIN portal for Delhi wherein both "online appointment and walk-in will be available", it said.

Delhi has also started genome sequencing of samples of all Covid infected people in the capital to ascertain if a new variant, such as the XE, has spread in the city, PTI reported.