New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) president Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday announced that his party has inked a deal with Indian Political Action Committee (IPAC) for an image makeover, ahead of polls in the national capital. With this, the political advocacy group created by Prashant Kishor - the man who helped Prime Minister Narendra Modi win power in 2014 - will now help Delhi's AAP) try and repeat its success in the previous assembly election.

The AAP had secured 67 out of 70 assembly seats in Delhi in the last assembly elections in 2014. The date of the assembly election in Delhi is to be announced soon as the poll needs to be completed by February 14, 2020.

On social media platforms, Kejriwal said: "Happy to share that IPAC is coming on-board with us. Welcome aboard!"

Political strategist and currently an influential leader of the Janata Dal (United), Prashant Kishor runs advocacy group IPAC. The advocacy group also declared on Saturday they have inked a deal with Kejriwal's party.

The advocacy group also said: "After Punjab results, we acknowledged you as the toughest opponent that we have ever faced. Happy to join forces now with Arvind Kejriwal and Aam Aadmi Party."

Kishore worked with the Congress in 2017 for Punjab and Uttar Pradesh assembly elections. His wrote a successful story in Punjab in helping the Congress come back to power after two successive electoral losses. Currently, Kishor is national vice-president of the JD(U) led by Nitish Kumar. JD(U) is an ally of the BJP at Centre as well in Bihar.

Watch | Delhi Elections: Prashant Kishor's I-PAC to work with AAP, tweets CM Kejriwal