As per the Delhi police, the man has been identified as Mohammed Imran, 39, a tenth-pass caretaker working in Masjid Bawli Wali in Karol Bagh. He is a permanent resident of Chirauli in Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad.
On being caught he told the cops that he found the bullets in the donation of a mosque and kept it in his wallet and later forgot about it. He man has been arrested and a probe has been launched in the matter.
As per the police, Imran who is son of Alimuddin and a resident of Seelampur in Delhi came at CM Kejriwal’s residence to meet him in the Janta Darbar in connection with increasing the salary of staff working in Delhi Waqf Board with 12 other Imams and Maulvis.
During the frisking , one live cartridge of 3.2 bore was recovered from his purse by Security staff deputed at CM's residence.
Thereafter, he was handed over to the local police and accordingly a case under Arms Act has been registered at PS Civil Lines.
The incident comes nearly a week after he was attacked with chilli powder at Delhi secretariat.