New Delhi: A bone-chilling incident shook the national capital on Monday, when on opposing molestation, a girl’s father and brother were stabbed with a knife. The incident claimed the life of girl’s father, whereas left her 10-year-old brother brutally injured, who is currently battling for life.

The incident took place in West Delhi’s Moti Nagar area. The cops have nabbed four people for the gruesome crime.

As per the police, 51 year-old businessman was stabbed with knife because he opposed foul and vulgar language against his daughter by some unknown men. The cops say that the incident also left his 19-year-old son brutally injured.

The entire incident occurred in front of the eyes of the girl.
The girl and her father were returning home from hospital:

As per the police, the boys started passing lewd comments on the 24-year-old girl when she was returning home on a motorcycle from hospital with her father. The girl’s father took her to the hospital after she complained of severe headache.

As per one of the family members, who refuse to reveal their identity, the victim dropped his daughter home and complained the boys’ parents of their behavior.

People got out of their homes but didn’t interfere: Grieving Family

As per one of the family members of the mourning family, after a verbal spat broke out, several rounds of attacks were done on the girl’s father. “After listening to noice, and screams several people stepped out of their houses, but no one came forward for help. Victim’s son came to rescue his father, but he too was stabbed. After the incident, both mother and daughter reached the site of incident and rushed both of them to the hospital”.