New Delhi: The air quality in the national capital and adjacent regions continued to remain “very poor” on Thursday as particulate matter 2.5 measured 140 as per the data by System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting And Research (SAFAR). The deteriorating air quality in the national capital and the adjoining regions has triggered breathing problems among the residents which is resulting in increased footfalls in hospitals. 

Doctors are battling with emergencies in hospital as cases of cough, breathlessness, itchy eyes, and asthma attacks have witnessed an uptick in Delhi-NCR which is shrouded in toxic smog, stated a report by 

“The number of patients coming to respiratory clinics with cough and breathlessness has increased tremendously in the last couple of weeks,” Dr Arjun Khanna, head of pulmonary medicine at Amrita Hospital, Faridabad, told the publication. 

Doctors in the region also echoed a similar trend. 

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“We are seeing patients coming to our OPD with symptoms of cough with sputum production, increased wheezing and breathlessness, running nose, blocked nose, itching in throat and eyes,” said Dr Avi Kumar, senior consultant, pulmonology, at Fortis Escorts in New Delhi.

According to the data by SAFAR, the air quality in Delhi is expected to remain “very poor” tomorrow and for the next three days.

The advisory by SAFAR also mentioned that sensitive groups need to “avoid all physical activity outdoors and move activities indoors.” For asthmatics it advised to keep relief medicine handy.

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For everyone else the advisory stated to stop outdoor activity at early morning and after sunset times and avoid prolonged or heavy exertion.

It also advised to go for a short walk instead of a jog and take more breaks.

“Stop any activity level if you experience any unusual coughing, chest discomfort, wheezing, breathing difficulty, or fatigue,” it added. 

According to the advisory, if the room has windows, close them and if the air conditioner provides a fresh air intake option, keep that closed.