Delhi Air Pollution: The increasing pollution in Delhi-NCR is worsening the situation. This issue was heard in the Supreme Court today. The SC has expressed displeasure over the rising pollution in Delhi. Chief Justice NV Ramana said air pollution has created a serious situation in Delhi-NCR. He said that they are wearing masks at home too. The Supreme Court asked the Centre what steps it had taken to tackle rising pollution. During the hearing, the court said that lockdown should also be considered in Delhi.

Can't blame only stubble burning - Supreme Court

During the hearing today, the Supreme Court said, "Stubble burning alone cannot be held responsible. 70 per cent of the pollution is caused by dust, crackers, vehicles, etc., which must be dealt with. " The Supreme Court asked the Centre what was being done for 70-80% pollution, which has been caused by factors other than stubble. The apex court further asked how to reduce AQI that has reached beyond 500.

Wear masks at home due to pollution - Supreme Court

During the hearing, Justice Chandrachud said, "Little children are going to school in this situation, they are facing a difficult task." Chief Justice Ramana asked the Centre to call an emergency meeting and take immediate steps. "We want something to be done that will improve things in 2-3 days. It's a serious problem and we have to wear masks at home too.''

The Supreme Court said why not talk about encouraging farmers instead of punishing them for stubble burning. SC asked, "Why are Central and State Governments not helping? Crop residue can have many economic benefits. The farmer has to prepare the land for the next crop. He should be helped. We're adjourning the hearing until Monday."