New Delhi: In a shameful and horrendous incident, a three-year-old was allegedly raped by her neighbor in Central Delhi’s Anand Parbat on Thursday. According to the cops, the incident took place following the girl’s abduction.

The little girl, who is in a critical state, was allegedly abducted by 22-year-old Vijay, a daily wage while she was playing outside her house.

As per a complaint filed by the family, the man whisked the girl away while she was playing and took her to his house on Wednesday morning.

The incident came to light after the girl didn’t return home for long and her parents started searching for her. The neighbours informed the parents that she was last seen with Vijay.

As per a statement given by parents, they reached Vijay’s house after getting information from the neighbours and found the girl profusely bleeding in an unconscious state.

The officer also added that the girl was immediately rushed to to Lady Hardinge Hospital, where she had to undergo an operation twice.

The officer further added that the condition of the girl was still critical and she was still bleeding.

The accused, who was hiding at his friend’s house was arrested hours after committing the crime.

A case has been registered under the Protection of Children against Sexual Offence.