New Delhi: This Dussehra the defence minister Rajnath Singh will celebrate with Army soldiers in a high-altitude border area in Sikkim. The minister will also perform 'Shastra Puja' (worship of weapons) on the occasion. Last year he did the puja with Rafale fighters in France.

His decision to celebrate Dussehra with Army soldiers comes at a time when tensions between China and India over border rows continue. ALSO READ| “Won’t Raise Any Other Flag Till Article 370 And J&K Flag Brought Back": Mehbooba Mufti In First Presser After Release

According to sources, during the two-day visit, the Defense Minister will reach the 33rd Corps (Siliguri) of Sukna on Saturday and then go to Sikkim from there. He will perform arms-worship with the soldiers at the Nathula Pass adjacent to the China border. During this, Army Chief General MM Narwane will also accompany him. The Defense Minister will also meet the soldiers close to Nathula Pass and address them.

Apart from this, he will be visiting the areas near Line of Actual Control (LAC) in order to take stock of the border situation. Singh has been performing 'Shastra Puja' during Dussehra for the last several years, including during his tenure as the Union Home Minister in the previous NDA government.

Both India and China have been locked in over five months-long standoff along the Line of Actual Control in Eastern Ladakh. To end this deadlock, several rounds of diplomatic and military meetings have been held. However, no significant results have been reached. There have been seven rounds of military talks so far and an eighth one is on the cards as per the sources.  In the sixth round of military talks on 21 September, the two sides announced several mutual decisions including not sending more troops to the forward areas, avoiding unilaterally changing positions on the ground, and taking any action that would further complicate matters.

Recently India returned a Chinese soldier who was apprehended from Eastern Ladakh. The move was termed as a positive sign by the Chinese media.