NEW DELHI: After Actors Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh Sunday announced that they are getting married in November, the couple were heavily trolled on social media sites due to their wedding cards. Putting an end to all the rumours surrounding their marriage, the couple in a post had shared on their respective social media accounts that the wedding celebrations will take on November 14 and 15. While many congratulated the two, others were quick to point out mistakes in their wedding cards.

In the post about their wedding, which was shared in English as well as Hindi says "With the blessings of our families, it gives us immense joy in sharing that wedding is set to take place on the 14th and 15th of November 2018. We thank you for all the love you have showered upon us over the years and seek your blessings as we embark on this incredible journey of love, loyalty, friendship and togetherness. Lots of love, Deepika and Ranveer."

Deepika, 32, and Ranveer, 33, made the announcement in traditional wedding card format where they did not reveal the wedding venue in the post. In the Hindi version of the wedding card, people were quick to point out the spelling mistakes. Deepika and Ranveer had first worked together in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's "Ram-Leela". They have since starred in Bhansali's "Bajirao Mastani" and this year's first blockbuster "Padmaavat".

Here are some of the reactions that people shared on social media sites-