Days after Darshan Solanki, an IIT-Bombay student, committed suicide, the Mumbai police SIT has now arrested his classmate Armaan Iqbal Khatri. The police will present Khatri in court on Sunday seeking his custody for further investigation. 

As per the latest information, Mumbai police has received the report of the handwriting expert on the suicide note that was recovered by the police. The expert mentioned in the report that the suicide note was written by Solanki. 

Darshan Solanki, who was a student of IIT Bombay, committed suicide last month. To probe the case, the Mumbai Police Commissioner had formed an SIT, which is being headed by Joint Commissioner Crime, Lakhmi Gautam. 

As per sources, during the investigation, the SIT has come to know that harassment by Solanki’s classmate could be the reason behind his suicide. Sources further said that the SIT had found a suicide note from Solanki's room which read "Armaan has killed me". 

During interrogation, the police also came to know that Solanki was very much afraid of the suspect in this case, but the police has not been able to ascertain as to why was he scared of his classmate. 

Armaan's age is said to be 19 years. 

On February 12, an 18-year-old Darshan Solanki allegedly took his own life at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. According to Solanki's family, he had experienced discrimination due to his caste at IIT Bombay and they suspect foul play in his death. Originally from Ahmedabad, Solanki was studying B Tech at IIT Bombay in Mumbai.

The police arrived at the scene immediately after the news of the suicide and took Solanki to the hospital, where he was declared dead upon arrival. The cause of Solanki's suicide remains unknown, and the police are currently investigating the matter.

Ramesh Solanki, the father of Darshan said that his son cannot commit suicide.

"He must have been harassed and I think he has been killed. He has fallen from the 7th floor but he is only hurt on the head," Ramesh Solanki told news agency ANI.

Ramesh Solanki claimed that Darshan had reported instances of caste discrimination, but his concerns were not taken seriously.

Meanwhile, IIT Bombay has strongly denied the reports suggesting that Darshan Solanki's death was a result of caste discrimination. The institute has refuted the claims that have been circulating in various news outlets.