Dahod, Gujarat: In a bone chilling incident, two minor girls ages 13 and 15 years were gang-raped in front of their father in Gujarat’s Dahod district. As per the police, the girls were raped in a moving SUV and 5 of the three accused have been arrested.
As per the FIR lodged by the victims’ father, the girls were abducted from father’s shop along with their father in an SUV and thereafter gang-raped by 13 people. Four of the accused followed the vehicle on two bikes, victims’ father said in the FIR.
Two girls gang-raped in front of their father/ Representational image
As per the complainant the disgusting act was committed as an old revenge against him, for he got accused’s son arrested in a liquor case long back.
After gang-raping the girls, the accused dropped three of them near Mandav village and threatened them not to file any complaint.
As soon as girls’ father lodged a complaint, the girls were taken to the hospital for medical examination.
The cops have registered a case under POSCO (Prevention of children from sexual offences) act and section of IPC.