New Delhi: Indian Air Force (IAF) Air Chief Marshal Vikram Ram Chaudhari said Thursday that in the force, space and time continuum, there would be a need for the IAF to prepare for short, swift wars.

He added that the IAF should also be ready for a long-drawn standoff similar to what can be seen right now in eastern Ladakh, news agency ANI reported.

Chaudhari also said that the current situation necessitates the IAF to prepare for intense and small duration operations at short notice, news agency PTI reported.

The IAF Chief further said that the new paradigm of high-intensity operations coupled with minimal build-up time would require major changes in operational logistics.

“Focused action plan needs to be developed for indigenisation of all critical components,” he added.

Chaudhari also said that IAF’s recent experiences as well as geopolitical scenario mandates it to be operationally & logistically responsive at all times.

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