Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday took the first dose of Coronavirus vaccine at 6.25 AM at Delhi's AIIMS as the second phase of nationwide immunization drive commenced across the entire nation.The Prime Minister was under doctor's supervision for at least 35 minutes after taking the jab.
Sister P Niveda from Puducherry was the one who administered the vaccine dose. Prime Minister Modi will be administered a second dose after 28 days.
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When PM Modi arrived early in the morning, it was natural that the medical staff at AIIMS was perhaps a bit awed by the situation.
Realising that the staff could be nervous, PM Modi instantly started having a chat with the staff conversation to put them at ease and lighten the atmosphere.
PM Modi then explained that politicians are known to be very thick-skinned and hence were the nurses planning to use special needles for him. On hearing this, the nurses not only laughed but were also put at ease.
Then as the vaccination was done, he remarked that he didn’t even realize when it got done.
Bharat Biotech thanked the Indian Prime Minister for taking first dose of COVID-19 vaccine himself and trusting COVAXIN.
"We express our sincere gratitude to the Hon’ble Prime Minister for reposing his trust in the indigenously developed COVID-19 vaccine, COVAXIN®." Bharat Biotech said in a statement.