New Delhi: After recording a dip in cases on the previous day, India reported 17,073 new cases of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours as per the data shared by the Union Health Ministry. The fresh cases have taken up the active caseload in the country 94,420. The daily positivity rate nationwide stood at 5.62 percent while weekly positivity rate was at 3.39 percent. 

15,208 patients recovered from the coronavirus in the last 24 hours while 21 lives were claimed by the infection. With a 98.57 percent recovery rate in the country a total of 4,27,87,606 recoveries have been reported so far since the outbreak of the pandemic. 

Of the 86.10 crore samples tested so far since the outbreak 3,03,604 samples were tested for Covid-19 in the last 24 hours. 

Under the nationwide vaccination drive, 197.11 crore vaccine doses have been administered so far. 

On Sunday, 11,739 cases of the Covid-19 were reported in the country with 25 fatalities and 10,917 recoveries. 

Maharashtra witnessed a surge in the number of cases on Sunday with 6,493 infections and five deaths reported, an official said, reported news agency PTI. 

Although the official said that  the cases that could not be tabulated due to a glitch in the ICMR portal on Saturday were also added to the tally for the day, due to which the caseload had ballooned by 6,493.