New Delhi: In a continued dip in COVID-19 cases in the national capital, Delhi on Thursday reported a considerable decline of 42 percent in daily cases, at 4,291, against 7,498 cases on Wednesday, while there were 34 deaths, according to the data shared by the Health Department.

Earlier in the day, the city health minister Satyendar Jain, said the situation in Delhi is under control. While speaking to news agency ANI, he also said the positivity rate in the national capital will also decline from the current 10 percent.

"The Covid situation is in control. Today Delhi will report less than 5,000 cases and the positivity rate will also come down from the existing 10 percent," said Jain.

Meanwhile, the Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), the organisation responsible for the management of the Covid-19 situation in the national capital, held a meeting chaired by Delhi Lt Governor Anil Baijal on Thursday. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was also present in the virtual meeting.

In the DDMA meeting on Thursday, it was decided to lift the weekend curfew and odd-even system of opening non-essential shops in the city besides permitting restaurants and bars to reopen with 50 percent seating capacity, in view of improving the COVID-19 situation. The government offices have also been allowed to reopen with 50 percent staff, DDMA said.   

The meeting was called to discuss the Covid-19 situation in the national capital. Many restrictions have been curbed after demands were raised from almost all spheres of Delhi's society.

Here are the new Covid-19 guidelines for Delhi:

  • The Odd-Even rule of shops will end in Delhi markets

  • The Weekend curfew will be lifted

  • The Night curfew will continue

  • Cinema halls will open with 50 percent capacity

  • 200 people will be allowed to attend wedding ceremonies.

  • Delhi government offices will open with 50 percent capacity

  • Education institutes and schools will remain closed for now

Mumbai COVID cases tally

While, Mumbai also reported a steady decline in daily COVID-19 cases with 1,384 fresh cases on Thursday, 5,686 recoveries, and 12 people died due to complications related to the infection, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) said.

With this, the overall number of Covid-19 cases in the Maharashtra capital rose to 10,41,747, while the toll increased to 16,581, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) said in a bulletin.

Out of the 12 coronavirus patients who died in the last 24 hours, 11 were above 60 years of age, it said.

On Wednesday, the city had recorded 1,858 coronavirus infections and 13 deaths. The city has been reporting fewer than 2,000 cases for the last four days.

Out of the new patients, only 184 were hospitalized, the civic body said.

Also, 5,686 patients were discharged during the day following recovery, the bulletin said.

With this, the number of recovered cases crossed the 10-lakh mark to stand at 10,04,384, the BMC said.

There are now 18,040 active cases of Covid-19 in the city.

As many as 42,570 new coronavirus tests were conducted in Mumbai, taking their cumulative count to 1,51,30,831, the bulletin said.

The coronavirus recovery rate in the city is 96 percent, while the case doubling rate has further improved to 194 days, it said.

While there are no containment zones in the city, 28 buildings have been sealed after more than five patients of Covid-19 were found in each of them, the civic body said.

Mumbai had logged 20,971 Covid-19 cases on January 7, 2022, the highest in a day since the pandemic broke out in March 2020.

Last year, the metropolis had reported the highest one-day cases at 11,163 on April 4 during the second wave of the pandemic.

(With PTI inputs)