New Delhi: In the wake of increasing coronavirus cases, a fortnight-long night curfew will be implemented in Bihar from today. The night curfew is accompanied by more restrictions that will also be implemented from today. The night curfew in Bihar is applicable from 10 PM to 5 AM and will be in place till January 21. 

Besides night curfew, other restrictions that will be imposed from today are shutting down gyms, malls, and parks. All shops barring the essential services will be open till 8 PM only. Colleges and schools for classes 9 to 12 will operate at 50 percent capacity. The teaching staff is told to give more priority to online classes.

Restrictions In Place To Curb Spread Of Coronavirus

  • Barring essential services, all the shops will be closed post 8 PM.

  • The night curfew will be in place from 10 PM to 5 AM.

  • Colleges and schools for classes 9 to 12 will operate on 50 percent capacity. The online mode of teaching will be prioritised.

  • Online classes will be held till class 8.

  • Coaching classes for classes 9 to 12 will operate on 50 percent capacity.

  • All government and Non-government offices will operate on 50 percent capacity. And the entry of the outsiders will be restricted.

  • Religious places will be shut for the devotees, and only the priest can perform prayers.

  • Cinema halls, gyms, parks, clubs, stadiums, and swimming pools will be completely shut.

  • Restaurants and dhabas can operate on 50 percent capacity.

  • 50 people are allowed in wedding functions and 20 are allowed in funerals and condolence meetings.

  • All political, community and cultural events can have a maximum of 50 persons, but for that permission needs to be taken from the district administration.

  • Shopping malls will be completely shut.