India on Thursday breached the 12,000-mark and reported 12,591 fresh infections of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours taking the total tally of active cases to 65,289, as per the data shared by health ministry.
On Wednesday, the country breached the 10,000-mark and reported 10,542 cases of coronavirus and 38 deaths will 11 recociled by Kerala. The active cases went up to 63,562 while the total death toll climbed to 5,31,190.
The number of people who have recuperated from the disease surged to 4,42,50,649, while the case fatality rate was recorded at 1.18 per cent.
1,757 Covid Cases In Delhi, 6 Fatalities
The national capital on Wednesday recorded 1,757 cases of Covid-19, six deaths and a positivity rate of 28.63 per cent, as per the data shared by city's health department. The latest fatalities has taken the total number of deaths to 26,578 in Delhi. Out of 7,967 beds, 377 are occupied.
On Tuesday, the city recorded 1,537 fresh Covid-19 cases while on Monday, it was 1,017 cases.
In view of rising Covid cases in the national capital, the Delhi prisons department has instructed jail inmates not to gather at one place and wash hands regularly, officials said on Wednesday.
The official said the five active Covid cases in Tihar jail tested positive around 10 days ago and were admitted to the central hospital, which comprises 50 beds.
"They are fine and will be discharged soon. Inmates can also be shifted to either DDU or LNJP hospitals," another official said.
Mumbai Logs 234 Cases, One Death
Mumbai on Wednesday reported 234 new coronavirus positive cases, taking the city's overall tally to 11,61,136, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) said. A 73-year-old male with chronic kidney disease - succumbed to the infection during the day, which raised the death toll to 19,755, it said.
While the Maharashtra state logged 1,100 new coronavirus infections and four fatalities, according to the bulletin by the health department.
Thane city, Pune city and Satara district recorded one fatality each.
Witht the new cases, the number of active cases in the state has reached to 6,102 while the state's Covid-19 case tally rose to 81,58,393, and death toll to 1,48,489.