Mumbai: The winter session of the Maharashtra Assembly has been hit by Covid-19, with at least 55 people, including two ministers and one MLA, testing positive for the virus.

Besides the two ministers, House staffers, police personnel, and journalists covering the proceedings have tested positive for Covid-19.

Education Minister Varsha Gaikwad, Tribal Development Minister KC Padvi and BJP MLA Sameer Meghe are among those who contracted the virus.

The Winter Session ended on Tuesday. It was curtailed to five days in view of a surge in the Covid-19 cases. 

On Tuesday, Maharashtra School Education Minister Varsha Gaikwad tweeted that she tested positive for coronavirus. The minister, who contracted the infection last year also, had attended the winter session of the Assembly.

"I learned today that I tested positive for COVID-19 after first feeling symptoms yesterday evening. My symptoms are relatively mild. I'm fine and have isolated myself. Request those who met me the past few days to take precautions," the Congress leader tweeted.

Over the last one week, Maharashtra has been recording a gradual rise in Covid-19 cases. Maharashtra on Monday registered 1,426 Covid cases, of which Mumbai contributed 788 cases. In the last 10 days, active cases in the city have increased by over 120 per cent.