New Delhi: Calling India as ‘friends’ American President Donald Trump has announced that the US will donate ventilators to India. Trump had said that they will be sending ‘a lot of’ ventilators and that they stand with India during the pandemic.

“We are sending a lot of ventilators to India. I spoke to Prime Minister Modi. We are sending quite a few ventilators to India. We have a tremendous supply of ventilators.” He had said this in front of reporters as he boarded Marine One on his way to Camp David.

The president also tweeted his support and said that he proud to donate the ventilators to India.

I am proud to announce that the United States will donate ventilators to our friends in India. We stand with India and @narendramodi during this pandemic. We’re also cooperating on vaccine development. Together we will beat the invisible enemy!

The report said the White House has not clarified the number of ventilators that will be donated.  Earlier in the day he has also praised the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and referred to his recent visit to Gujarat.

"India has been so great and as you know your Prime Minister has been a very good friend of mine," the US President said. I just got back a short while ago from India recently and we are very much together.”

The report also said that during a press briefing White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said, “The president just extolled our great relationship with India. India has been a great partner to us for quite some time. I am encouraged to hear about ventilators in India. “

Trump's praise for India, comes a day after he showed his dismay with China and the way it has handled the pandemic. According to a report by Reuters, in an interview with Fox Business News, Trump had said that he is no longer interested in speaking to his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping. He also threatened to break all ties with China.

At present, the cases of coronavirus in India are soaring and the total number of confirmed cases has reached 81970.