Coronavirus updates: In the monthly Mann Ki Baat radio programme, Prime Minister Narendra Modi apologised to countrymen for taking strict measure of nationwide lockdown, and explained why it was imperative for India to go for such a strict step. The entire address revolved around the coronavirus pandemic.

PM also praises bank employees, grocers, e-commerce delivery personnel, IT people who are making India work during the lockdown.

In his monthly Mann ki Baat radio address to the nation, Modi also praised the front-line workers in the fight against the virus as well as countless workers in the essential services who are ensuring the country doesn't come to a complete standstill in the 21-day lockdown announced on March 24.

"I seek forgiveness ... I strongly feel, you will forgive me. When I see my poor brothers and sisters, then I definitely feel that they would say what kind of prime minister is this who has put us in this trouble. I specially seek their forgiveness. You had to undergo problems. I understand but there is no other way out to fight the coronavirus for a country with a population of 130 crore," he said. "But this is a battle for life and death."

The radio talk that comes in the face of a pandemic holds utmost significance as the nation remains indoor with all eyes on government’s next move to counter the spread of the contagion.

The prime minister said looking at what the world is going through, this (lockdown) was the "only way left."

"After all, the safety of you and your families has to be ensured. Once again, I apologise for any inconvenience, any hardship caused to you," he said.

To drive home his point, Modi referred to an ancient Indian adage that means an illness and its scourge should be nipped in the bud because when it becomes incurable with passage of time its treatment is very difficult.

He also described as "unfortunate" incidents where some of those suspected coronavirus carriers under home quarantine are being ill-treated or ostracised by others.

"I am greatly pained to learn of these instances. This is very unfortunate. We need to understand that in the current circumstances, we need to ensure social distance, not human or emotional distance. These people are not criminals, " he said.

He pointed out that these people are merely suspected to be infected with the virus.

"These people have isolated and quarantined themselves to protect other people from getting infected," he said.

During his address to the nation on March 24, the Prime Minister announced a 21-day nationwide to contain the spread of the deadly virus. He said that "social distancing" is the only option to deal with the disease, which spreads rapidly.

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Prime Minister had said that the world is going through a serious phase and citizens have fought the novel coronavirus epidemic firmly. He also requested senior citizens to remain indoors for the next few weeks.

Covid-19 positive cases witnessed a rapid spurt in the month of March, prompting the government to impose a nationwide lockdown.