New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday once again trained his guns at Prime Minister Narendra Modi over his government's response after detection of fresh cases of novel Coronavirus in India. Rahul took to Twitter and asked the PM to stop wasting India's time playing the clown with his social media accounts. The attack on PM Modi, by former Congress President, came after two new cases of deadly Coronavirus, including one each from Delhi and Telangana was reported.

Rahul Gandhi's reference about social media activities was dig at PM Modi's announcement on Tuesday that he would hand over his social media accounts for a day on International Women's Day this Sunday to expatiate stories of inspirational women to the world.

Sharing a video of Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Coronavirus, Gandhi advised PM Modi, "Here's how it is done".

The tweet has a video of Singapore Premier Loong urging his countrymen to bravely face the Coronavirus threat. On Monday, PM Modi had issued a cryptic tweet in which he said that he was considering to give up all his social media accounts  including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, triggering a storm of debate and speculations on social media.

Earlier in the day, Rahul Gandhi in another tweet said that a true leader would be completely focused on averting the massive crisis about to be unleashed by the virus on India and its economy.

He also tagged his February 12 tweet in which he said the coronavirus is an extremely serious threat to "our people and our economy". "My sense is the government is not taking this threat seriously. Timely action is critical," he said.

On Tuesday afternoon, Uttar Pradesh Health Minister Jai Pratap Singh, confirmed six positive cases of Coronavirus in the state and said all of them have been shifted to Delhi for further medical assistance. According to reports, all six, including two shoe exporters, belonging to Agra, have been shifted to Safdarjung hospital in Delhi.

WATCH REPORT | Coronavirus: Jai Pratap Singh Confirms 6 Positive Cases In UP

With the threat of COVID-19 looming large, the government has tightened the entry conditions for the nationals of Italy, Iran, South Korea and Japan with immediate effect. As per the revised travel advisory issued on Tuesday by the Union Health Ministry, new travellers from these countries will have to apply for new visas.

The passengers of all the international flights entering into India from any port are required to furnish duly filled self declaration form (including personal particulars like phone numbers and address in India) and travel history, to Health Officials and Immigration officials at all ports.

ALSO READ | Coronavirus: US Death Toll Reaches 6; India On Alert, Air-India Crew To Be In Self-Imposed Quarantine

Passengers (foreign and Indian) other than those restricted, arriving directly or indirectly from China, South Korea, Japan, Iran, Italy, Hong Kong, Macau, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nepal, Thailand, Singapore and Taiwan must undergo medical screening at port of entry.

Indian citizens are advised to refrain from travelling to China, Iran, Republic of Korea, Italy and advised to avoid non-essential travel to other COVID-19 affected countries.