New Delhi: In his address to nation on the backdrop novel Coronavirus outbreak, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday assured citizens that there would be no shortage of essential services including ration, milk and vegetables etc by the restrictions imposed by both Central and State governments across the country.

During this speech, PM Modi touched upon several issues pertaining to how we can together fight the deadly virus and prevent it from spreading roots in the country. PM Modi said that Centre has formed a COVID-19 economic response task force, led by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, that will assess the requirements of various sectors and also oversee implementation of the proposed measures.

The decision comes after a severe impact of COVID-19 on several sectors, including aviation, hospitality and tourism along with the overall economy. The Prime Minister also promised availability of essential items and services, including medicines, health care, milk and food.

He also urged the citizens to avoid panic buying and not to hoard essential items. The task force will consult stakeholders, take feedback, on the basis of which decisions will be taken to meet the economic challenges posed by Covid-19. The task force will also ensure implementation of the decisions taken to meet these challenges.

The Prime Minister urged the business community and higher income groups to look after the economic needs of those from lower income groups, from whom they receive various services, urging them not to cut their salary on the days they are unable to render the services due to inability to come to the workplace.

PM Modi also said that Coronavirus outbreak is a medical emergency for the entire human race and asked people to adopt social distancing for a while. He urged citizens of the country to take all possible precautions to prevent the further spread of the deadly virus.

PM Modi also asked citizens to follow Janta Curfew from 7am to 9pm on 22nd March i.e. coming Sunday in order to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. "This will prepare us for future circumstances. I urge all state governments to help comply with this Janta Curfew," he said.

Prime Minister also said that government of India is keeping a close watch on the track record of the spread of Coronavirus. PM Modi also asked the nation to acknowledge with gratitude the services of countless health and services personnel leading the battle against coronavirus pandemic.

In his address to the nation broadcast on Thursday, the Prime Minister appealed to all citizens to "come out of their homes at 5 p.m. on March 22 and applaud for 5 minutes, the doctors, nurses, sanitation personnel, transport services personnel and all other people who disregard their own health safety for our lives."

Earlier in his speech, the Prime Minister urged citizens to face the coronavirus pandemic with resolve and restraint.