New Delhi: The Coronavirus outbreak has strangled the global economy and the whole world is wrestling with the impact of the pandemic. The regular intercommunication with the outside world including the public and retail spaces, restaurants, educational institutions, and even with each other has been and will proceed to be reoriented prioritizing personal hygiene and public health.

Consequently, awareness amongst people is also developing which is now leading to significant changes in how the country's food service industry is expected to operate.

Recently, Dineout - a restaurant tech platform - performed a consumer survey where it revealed the Indian diners are now ranking safety assurances and premier hygiene as prime factors when it comes to picking a restaurant to dine in.

The news agency IANS quoted the survey organized in across 20 cities which highlighted that in a post-COVID-19 era, 81 per cent diners will prefer digital menus at restaurants, while 77 per cent of people will continue to want to dine out.

In the survey it was found that 23 per cent people would prefer continuing with delivery/takeaway and online payment becomes the most preferred option with 60 per cent votes.

Now the customers want a complete Contactless Dining in which around 81 per cent consumers would rather scan a QR on their phone to place an order rather than handling physical menus or tablet-based digital menus.

Around 85 per cent of respondents would prefer a digital valet over waiting in possibly contaminated public spaces. Also, 84 per cent would favor offering digital feedback over physical feedback collection.

In the conducted survey around 77 per cent of respondents stated that they are waiting to dine out with friends and family once the lockdown is lifted.

The coronavirus scare has made people very alert and now the consumers would prefer that the total number of reservations in a certain period be limited with the option to pre-select the seating, ample quantities of sanitizers at tables along with UV sanitized utensils.

Along with this the consumers also demand the hygiene ratings with detailed hygiene information, regular hygiene checks. The respondents in the survey said the usage of masks and disposable gloves by waiters should be mandatory.

In the new standard of food service, the diners are also demanding service personnel to sanitize tables and chairs after every use.