New Delhi: Amid the significant increase in number of positive cases of deadly Coronavirus in the national capital, a Delhi government-run hospital was shut down on Wednesday after a doctor was tested positive for Covid-19. According to reports, OPD, offices and labs of the Delhi State Cancer Institute in Delhi was closed for now and are being sanitized, officials informed.

The development came post a doctor was tested positive for Coronavirus after he visited his brother who has a travel history from United Kingdom. The outdoor department of the hospital has been shut, reports say.

Those who came in contact with the doctor are also being quarantined. "The doctor may have contracted COVID-19 from relatives who had returned from UK," said the hospital.

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The doctor was not treating any Coronavirus patients. He is now undergoing treatment at a Delhi hospital.

According to reports, OPD has been shut down but the wards are still operational as there are around 60 patients inside the hospital. The hospital sources say that there is no immediate protocol to test or discharge these patients.

The doctor has no foreign travel history himself but may have contracted the infection from his brother. This is the third case of a doctor getting infected with COVID-19.

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Before this, two doctors of the Mohalla Clinic in Delhi's Babarpur and Maujpur were tested positive for Coronavirus while treating other patients. As per latest figures, Coronavirus positive count in the national capital has surged past 100-mark to reach 120, with 49 people having travel history to foreign countries.

Across India, the number of Coronavirus cases has climbed to 1,723 after 146 new cases were reported in the past 24 hours. According to the health ministry, 38 people have died due to the infection so far.