New Delhi: Even a lockdown could not keep this mother away from her son! A 48-year old woman from Bodhan, a town in Nizamabad district, Telangana rode a two-wheeler for over 1400 kms to Nellore, Andhra Pradesh to bring her son back home after he got stuck there due to the lockdown.

Razia Begum works as a headmistress of a government school and is a mother of two sons. She lost her husband 15 years ago and raised her children as a single mother. In March her younger son, 19-year old Mohammad Nizamuddin who has been preparing for his medical entrance examinations in Hyderabad had gone to a visit a friend in Nellore and decided to stay over for a few days.

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When the lockdown was announced he was forced to remain in Nellore. Desperate to return home he called his mother who was anguished to hear his pleas. She then decided to get her son back and approached Bodhan’s ACP Jaipal Reddy who then granted her a pass. Carrying the pass with her she bravely drove through highways even at night to reach her son. She began her journey on a two-wheeler on April 6 and reached Nellore the next day in the afternoon.

According to reports, the woman said that she had packed ‘rotis’ for her journey and stopped only for fuel and water. She said that it was her concern for her son that really kept her going. She also did not allow her elder son to go pick up his brother as she thought he may be mistaken for a joyrider.

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