New Delhi: As coronavirus cases increase to six in India, an important meeting of the Ministry of Health has been called on Wednesday. A slew of measures have already been announced by the Centre in the wake of the deadly contagion.

The meeting is scheduled to take place at 11 am and will be chaired by Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan.

In this meeting of the Health Ministry, MRML Hospital, Lady Harding Hospital, Safdarjung Hospital, Superintendent of Delhi Municipal Hospital, Superintendent of Railway Hospital and DG of all health services will be present. Health services have been put on alert ever since coronavirus patients emerged in Delhi NCR.

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also held a review meeting to monitor the situation.


Helpline Number Released In Noida Amid Corona Panic

In view of the panic caused by coronavirus, helpline numbers 8076623612 and 6396776904 have been issued in Noida

. Apart from this, two isolation wards have been made in the district. This comes after Tuesday’s case where a father of a student in a Noida school was found infected with the coronavirus.

Medical Screening Of Travelers From 14 Countries, Ban On Export Of Drugs

People coming from 14 countries are being screened at all airports in India. These include China, Nepal, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nepal, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, Iran, Italy, and Macau. In view of the coronavirus knock in India, the government has banned the export of 26 medicines, APIs and formulations to ensure there is no shortage of medicines in the market.

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Tips To Avoid Coronavirus

  • Wash your hands for full 20 seconds with hot water, especially when you return home from being in public.

  • If you feel sick, stay home. About 80 per cent of people with COVID-19 have mild symptoms, which is why it continues to spread so easily.

  • It is critical for people with fever, coughing or shortness of breath to quarantine themselves and prevent further spread of the virus.

  • Remain quarantined until you have been feverless for at least 24 hours without medications.

  • Offer "elbow bumps" instead of handshakes, or do 'Namaste.'