New Delhi: Cases of coronavirus in India have soared past the official tally of its neighbour China which was also the origin of Covid 19. According to data, India has 85949 cases whereas reports say that China has over 82000 cases. India also stands in the 11th position of the list of countries that are worst affected.

India’s cases have been continuously increasing despite the country being in the third phase of a lockdown . In his address to the nation on Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had also said that India will be entering the fourth phase of the lockdown of 4.0 after May 17 which will be different from the three previous ones. Many states have gone forward with relaxing curbs on economic and industrial activity despite the increasing number of cases.

Among the states with a high concentration of the disease, Maharashtra still leads with 29100 cases. The state is now planning to extend the lockdown till the end of May. Following closely is Tamil Nadu which has recorded over 10108 cases. Gujarat comes next with 9931 cases and Delhi falls in the fourth position with 8895 cases.

Also Watch: India surpasses China as COVID-19 cases surge past 85000

According to an IANS report, on Friday China reported that the number of active coronavirus cases there has fallen below 100 for the first time since January.

According to the country’s National Health Commission said that there are 91 active coronavirus cases in the country, including 11 patients in serious condition. The country has seen a resurgence in infection in the northeast province of Jilin and on Thursday had reported four new cases. China has also recorded an increase in asymptomatic cases. Reports by IANS said that Wuhan which was the place of origin for the coronavirus is going to arrange nucleic acid tests to detect asymptomatic cases.