Covid Update: India has witnessed a dip in daily Coronavirus cases for two straight days. The country reported  35,499 new cases in the last 24 hours. The active caseload currently stands at 4,02,188. The recovery rate is currently at 97.40%.

The weekly positivity rate remains below 5% and is currently at 2.35%. Daily positivity rate is at 2.59%; less than 3% for last 14 days.

 The death toll climbed to 4,28,309 with 447 fresh fatalities, according to the Union Health Ministry on Monday.

Kerala  begins mass vaccination drive

Kerala recorded 18,607 new Coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours, taking the total tally to 35,52,525, as mentioned in the state health bulletin.

The state registered 93 more deaths in a single day as the total death toll in the state reached 17,747 on Sunday.

In the last 24 hours, 1,34,196 samples were tested and the current test positive rate (TPR) stands at 13.87 per cent.

As many as 20,108 people have recovered from the infection since Saturday. The total number of those who have recovered to date is 33,57,687.

The number of active cases in Kerala stands at 1,76,572, an official press release said.

Considering the increasing number of cases, the Kerala government has started the mass vaccination drive which will continue till August 31. The aim of the drive is to inoculate as much people as possible.

“In addition to the vaccines available to the state government, more vaccines need to be made available to the private sector. The state government will buy 20 lakh doses of vaccines and provide them to private hospitals at the same rate,” CM Vijayan said while interacting with reporters after the COVID-19 review meeting

Maharashtra has reported 45 cases of Delta plus variant till today

Maharashtra has reported 45 cases of the Delta variant of coronavirus till August 8, informed the Health Department. The state on Sunday registered 5,508 fresh Covid-19 cases and 151 fatalities, taking the tally to 63,53,327 and the toll to 1,33,996, the state health department said.

As many as 4,895 Covid-19 patients were discharged during the day, raising the number of recoveries to 61,44,388 so far in Maharashtra, leaving the state with 71,510 active cases, it said.

Maharashtra's case recovery rate now stands at 96.71% and the fatality rate is 2.1%.