West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress (TMC) chief Mamata Banerjee reached Odisha's Balasore on Saturday to take stock of the situation after at least 261 passengers were killed and 900 injured in the Friday collision involving two passenger trains and a goods train. During her visit, the Bengal CM called it the biggest railway accident of this century and asked why there was no anti-collision system installed in the train. She also demanded a proper probe into the incident.

Mamata also feared that the toll could rise further and said that her government is ready to provide all possible help to the railways. 

"Coromandel is one of the best express trains. I was the Railway Minister thrice. From what I saw, this is the biggest railway accident of the 21st century. Such cases are handed over to Railway’s safety commission & they investigate and give a report…There was no anti-collision device on the train, as far as I know. Had the device been on the train, this would not have happened…The dead can’t be brought back but now our work is rescue operation & restoration of normalcy," said the Bengal CM, while speaking to the media.

"Railway provides Rs 10 Lakhs as compensation. We will provide Rs 5 Lakhs each to the people of our state and cooperate and work with the Railways and Odisha Government until the work is complete," she further said.

"We sent 40 ambulances yesterday and 70 today. 40 of our doctors have reached here and they are working," West Bengal CM and former Railways Minister Mamata Banerjee further said.

Meanwhile, the railways in a statement on Saturday said that the inquiry into the train accident will be led by A M Chowdhary, Commissioner Railway Safety, South East Circle. The Commissioner Railway Safety comes under the Ministry of Civil Aviation.