New Delhi: The upcoming British rock band Coldplay’s concert which was scheduled to be held on November 19 in Mumbai has stuck itself into a big controversy. The most anticipated event of the Global Citizen Festival, could be in jeopardy. Reason? Indian politics.

As people went crazy the tickets of the event were sold in no time. The Congress party and Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) demanded the concert should be postponed because the ruling state government is trying to woo voters by providing concessions on festival tickets for upcoming Municipal Polls.

According to a Hindustan Times report, the Congress sent a letter to the State Election Commission stating that the party in power is using the concert for political gains.

As the news reached to netizens they started trolling Congress and NCP on micro-blogging site.

Take a look:

It did not stay for long as the former Minister for Telecom, Milind Deora's tweet made sense for the fans. He tweeted, ''Unwise to demand a ban on @coldplay. Musical concerts don't determine elections.