New Delhi: As Congress ponders over poll strategist Prashant Kishor's offer of helping the party regain its commanding position in Indian politics, Congress is all set to hold organisational elections. Over six crore Congress members have enrolled themselves to participate in it, reported news agency ANI.

While talking to ANI, Congress Central Election Authority Chairman Madhusudan Mistry confirmed the completion of the enrollment drive wherein almost 6 crore members were registered.

"Around 2.6 crores members were enrolled through Digital Membership. Membership has been done through papers too, so the total numbers will be finalised in another few days. It is expected to be more than six crores by April 15, 2022," he said.

The report by ANI also said that only those members who have enrolled till April 15 will be allowed to take part in the organisation elections.

The organisational election of the party will start from a primary level after which voting will be conducted for Booth Committee, Block, District and State, said Mistry. He also confirmed that the party by the end of September 2022 will get a new president.

"For this, we have appointed 756 District Returning Officers across the country. We are going by fine, according to the schedule given by the Congress Working Committee. The party will get a new elected president by September 2022," he added.

Whether Rahul Gandhi will contest for the post of party president in the coming elections is yet to be confirmed. The Congress leader had resigned as the president after his party put up a poor performance in the 2019 Lok Sabha Elections. Post his resignation, Sonia Gandhi was again made the president of the party.