The Congress filed a notice in the Lok Sabha on Thursday, charging Home Minister Amit Shah of spreading lies about Maharashtra farm widow Kalawati Bandurkar, whom Rahul Gandhi visited in 2008, news agency PTI reported. Manickam Tagore, a Congress MP and the party's whip in the Lok Sabha, sent the notification to Speaker Om Birla.

Taking to X (formerly known as Twitter), Manickam stated: "I submitted a privilege motion against Sh Amit Shah for misleading the Parliament yesterday on Smt Kalawati story to Honble Speaker."

Gandhi paid a visit to Bandurkar's home in 2008, after her husband committed suicide due to agricultural issue in Maharashtra's Vidarbha region.

During the no-confidence debate on Wednesday, Shah referred to 13 "failed" attempts to begin Rahul Gandhi's political career and recounted how he told the story of a destitute woman named Kalawati. Shah said that the Modi government was responsible for her getting home and benefits from numerous government programs.

The Congress, on the other hand, said the Modi administration was lying about Kalawati and released a video of the farmer on X. In the video, Kalawati alleges that Rahul Gandhi assisted her in overcoming poverty.

Tagore said in his notice that Shah violated Parliamentary Privilege by failing to safeguard the sanctity of factual and true facts when addressing the House.

"The issue in question pertains to a statement made by the Hon'ble Minister of Home Affairs in Lok Sabha yesterday i e. 09.08.2023, wherein he provided details of facilities purportedly extended by the Government at the house of smt Kalawati, a farmer's widow from Maharashtra. However, to the utter dismay of the concerned us this statement has been vehemently refuted by the concerned Smt Kalawati herself to media channels who has explicitly stated that the modi Government has not provided any such facilities for the past eight years instead Sh Rahul gandhi helped her in building her house," he was quoted by PTI in its report. 

"This discrepancy between the statement made by the Hon'ble Union Minister and the reality as communicated by the affected Smt Kalawati raises serious doubts about the veracity of the information presented in the Lok Sabha and it highlights a potential breach of privilege under Rule 22, Chapter 20 of the Lok Sabha Rules," he alleged.

Given the circumstances, Tagore hoped the Speaker would take notice of the situation and consider taking necessary measures.

"The breach of privilege motion, as outlined in Rule 22. Chapter 20 of the Lok Sabha Rules, should be initiated to ensure the accountability and integrity of our parliamentary system "Therefore, I request you to exercise your esteemed authority to move a breach of privilege motion against the Hon'ble Union Minister for his statement which appears to be in direct contradiction to the ground reality and direct him to seek apology from the House of People for his wrong and irresponsible statement yesterday. The video clip and link of the same is attached herewith," Tagore said in his notice.