Amid a row over water leakage in the new Parliament building, Congress got another opportunity to take a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government after a monkey entered the Sansad premises in New Delhi on Friday. Congress leader Jairam Ramesh shared a video of a monkey roaming inside a lobby in the Parliament building reserved for the MPs.

"Monkey Baat today in ModiMarriot, also known as the New Parliament Building," he wrote on X along with the eight-second video clip.

Congress leader Rajeev Reddy also shared another video of the monkey on X, where the beast can be seen sitting calmly on a chair in the lobby.

"A Monkey reached Parliament to save himself from inundated Delhi, but he found water leakage in Parliament as well," Reddy wrote taking a dig at the Centre.

The video comes just two days after Congress-led Opposition targetted the BJP government with footage of water leakage in the new Parliament building.

Posting the video of water leakage on X, Congress' Lok Sabha MP Manickam Tagore wrote on X, "Paper leakage outside, water leakage inside. The recent water leakage in the Parliament lobby used by the President highlights urgent weather resilience issues in the new building, just a year after completion."

The video showed water leaking from the roof in a lobby of the new Parliament building and a bucket placed to collect it. 

Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav also took a swipe at the government over the issue.  "The old Parliament was better than this new Parliament as there even former MPs could come and meet. Why not go back to the old Parliament building, at least till the time the water leakage programme is going on in the (new) Parliament building built with billions of rupees," he wrote in Hindi on X along with the video

The government, however, played down the incident saying corrective measures were taken immediately to ensure no further leakage of water.

"The heat of an unprecedented summer followed by very intense rain eroded silicon from a glass joint on Lok Sabha lobby skylight, creating a small issue... The structural integrity, waterproofing etc are in good condition," the Central Public Works Department (CPCW) said in a social media post.