In conversation with ABP News, Railway minister Suresh Prabhu assured that by 2020, every railway passenger would have confirmed ticket. He said due to heavy passenger traffic and lack of infrastructure, a deficit had been created which the ministry was trying to rectify. He said the problem had persisted for long and it would take some time to resolve.
Bullet train by 2023
Railway minister said bullet train would arrive in the country by 2023. He also said in six months, trains like Tejas, Gatiman, Uday and Hamsafar would start running. He said while Tejas and Hamsafar would be premium trains, Antoday would be the train of the common man. Uday would be a double-decker train.
He said it cannot be expected that every wrong thing in railways would get corrected overnight. He said he started projects that were pending for the last 10-12 years. He said he had been able to control corruption.