Meanwhile, on Tuesday, India's total coronavirus positive cases rose to 511, with ten deaths across the country, 24 cases of cured patients.
In his previous address to the nation on Thursday, the Prime Minister had urged people to follow a 'Janta Curfew' on Sunday which was, by and large, a success as citizens remained indoors. As of now, almost the entire country is under lockdown to restrict public movement in a bid to break the chain of transmission of coronavirus.
Watch | PM Narendra Modi to address nation at 8 PM today
Prime Minister Modi will also communicate with the people of his Lok Sabha constituency -- Varanasi -- on March 25 to discuss the situation arising out of coronavirus pandemic.
The number of coronavirus positive patients in India rose to 471 on Monday, as per the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).
The Central government has taken several steps to contain the spread of the virus, including the stoppage of all incoming passenger traffic on 107 immigration check posts at all airports, seaports, land ports, rail ports, and river ports.
The Indian Railways has also canceled all passenger train operations till March 31.
(with inputs from agencies)