New Delhi: Indian Army lost 20 of its bravehearts including a colonel rank officer, in the face-off with China along the Line of Actual Control on Tuesday, as China attempted to unilaterally change the status quo, even when military and diplomatic talks were on between the countries. Also Read: 20 Indian Soldiers Martyred In Galwan Valley; 43 Casualties On The Chinese Side

  • The officer killed in the clash was identified as Colonel Santosh Babu, Commanding Officer of the 16 Bihar regiment, and a native of Telangana.

  • Babu, who hailed from Suryapet district in Telangana, was serving in the 16 Bihar regiment as Commanding Officer, agencies have reported.

  • His father, B Upender, is a retired banker

  • He is survived by his wife, daughter and son, who are residing in Delhi.

  • Santosh Babu was expecting a posting in Hyderabad soon.

Also Read: US Closely Monitoring India-China Border Issue, Offers Condolences To Families Of Martyred Indian Soldiers

  • Babu joined the Indian Army in 2004 and was first posted in Jammu and Kashmir.

  • He had spoken to his mother on Sunday where the conversation mostly revolved around the ongoing tensions.

  • The family was informed about the tragedy last afternoon by senior army officials.

  • Babu's mortal remains are expected to reach his native Suryapet on Wednesday for the final rites.

  • His final rites are likely to take place on Thursday

Santosh Babu was a 'true solider' who cared for his juniors:

"Santosh Babu was a true soldier who used to breathe, live and work for the nation. He was always caring for juniors and made sure everyone stayed connected with each other even in their busy lives," one of the officers known to him told ABP News.

Feeling devastated but proud of my son: Santosh Babu’s mother

“I am feeling devastated that he has left us, but at the same time I am also proud of my son who sacrificed his life for the nation," said his mother.

Watch | Proud that my only son was martyred for country: Col Santosh Babu's mother 

Fulfilled father’s dream:

Babu’s father while talking to news agency PTI said that while he could not live his dreams of serving the armed forces, his son did. "I could not join the army and serve my country. So I wanted my son to join the defence forces and serve our country though my relatives discouraged the idea," his father said.

Tensions continue: 

Citing sources, news agency ANI has stated that Indian intercepts reveal that even Chinese side suffered 43 casualties including dead and seriously injured in face-off in the Galwan valley. Sources close to the news agency have also informed that there has been an increase in Chinese chopper activity across the Line Of Control (LAC) to airlift casualties suffered by them during face-off with Indian troops in Galwan Valley.

Also know Jaswant Singh Rawat, the Indian Army soldier who held China's advances in 1962 war

(additional inputs from PTI)