NEW DELHI: Congress President Rahul Gandhi on Monday launched a scathing attack on the BJP and the RSS saying the two organisations have enslaved the entire country and people.

Speaking at the first conclave of Congress' Other Backward Classes (OBC) wing, Rahul said India has now "become a slave to two-three BJP leaders and the RSS” and asserted that a united Opposition will soon stage a fight back.

He also alleged that BJP lawmakers are scared of voicing their opinion within the party as they are "not allowed to speak".

"Everyone including MPs is afraid to speak. Most of them are not allowed to speak. And those of us who do, the BJP does not listen to. Only RSS is given a hearing. Today, our nation has become a slave of two-three BJP leaders and RSS," he said.

"The entire opposition is getting together in six months to a year and Narendra Modi, Amit Shah and Mohan Bhagwat will see the strength of India," he added.

He also challenged the stand of the government that India lacks skills saying it was not true and the authorities have failed to recognise the fact.

"People with skills are not rewarded in India ... farmers work hard but you don't see them in the office of Modi ji," he said.

Talking about "skills" and "talents" being recognised in other countries Rahul said the person who founded popular Coca-Cola brand used to sell ‘Shikanji’ in America while the owner of McDonald’s used to run a ‘dhaba’ in the country.

Their skills and talents were recognised by their governments and they formed international brands, Rahul said.

Attacking Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he said that the NDA government has ignored the interests of farmers but has helped a small group of industrialists by waiving loans amounting to nearly Rs 2.5 lakh crore.

"Rs 2.5 lakh crore were given to 15 industrialists. But the farmer got nothing...the loan waiver was for 15 people but not for the farmer who continues to commit suicide... his children keep crying," Rahul said.

"The strategy of the BJP's strategy is clear. 15-20 industrialists will give thousands of crores to Narendra Modi and (later) all benefits will go to just those 15-20 rich people," he added.

Rahul said for 70 years his party has stood by the OBC community and will continue to strive for the rights of the OBC community.