At least 13 people were killed when a cloudburst near the holy cave shrine of Amarnath in south Kashmir Himalayas triggered flash floods on Friday evening, officials informed. The cloudburst also damaged as many as 25 tents and three community kitchens in the area where the pilgrims are served food. According to reports the cloudbrust struck near Amartnath at around 5:30 pm amid heavy rainfall in the region.

Soon after the cloudbrust, Army and National Disaster Relief Force (NDRF) and State Disaster Relief Force (SDRF) launced rescue operation in the area. Three persons have been rescued so far. One NDRF team was already there while two more teams are being rushed, officials informed.

Visuals of the massive cloudburst started coming in soon after the disaster was reported. Have a look:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed anguish over the incident and also spoke to Jammu & Kashmir LG Manoj Sinha to take stock of the situation.

"Anguished by the cloud burst near Shree Amarnath cave. Condolences to the bereaved families. Spoke to @manojsinha_ Ji and took stock of the situation. Rescue and relief operations are underway. All possible assistance is being provided to the affected," PM Modi tweeted.

Even Union Home Minister Amit Shah said that he has spoken to J&K LG Manoj Sinha to take stock of the situation. "NDRF, CRPF, BSF and local administration are engaged in the rescue work. Saving people's lives is our priority. I wish all the devotees well," Shah tweeted in Hindi adding that he is closely monitoring the situation. 

Shah has also instructed all concerned to provide necessary assistance to the pilgrims.