New Delhi: Authorities in Jammu and Kashmir must revoke an order to stop the printing and publication of Srinagar-based English daily, Kashmir Reader; said Amnesty International India on Tuesday.

Commenting on the DM’s order to shut down the daily, Aakar Patel, Executive Director, Amnesty International India said, “The District Magistrate’s order does not specifically mention any news items in Kashmir Reader that incited violence. This vaguely-worded shutdown order suggests that the newspaper is being targeted for its reporting.”

He added that “The media plays a crucial role in reporting human rights abuses. The government has a duty to respect the freedom of the press, and the right of people to receive information. It cannot shut down a newspaper simply for being critical of the government.”

The Mehbooba Mufti government banned the Srinagar-based English daily Kashmir Reader, fuelling fears that it might launch a full-scale media clampdown to crush dissent.

Kashmir Reader, known for its anti-establishment positions, has been at the forefront of highlighting the alleged atrocities by the security forces during the three-month-old unrest.