New Delhi: The contentious Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) will be introduced by Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Lok Sabha on Monday. This Citizenship Amendment Bill was passed by the Lower House of the Parliament earlier this year but lapsed with the term of the previous Lok Sabha. Denoting urgency, the Bharatiya Janata Party on Sunday issued a three-line whip to all its lawmakers from Monday to Wednesday.  The party had on Thursday also issued a three-line whip to its members in the lower house asking them to be present from December 9 till 12.

"All BJP members in Lok Sabha are hereby informed that some very important Legislative Business will be taken up for discussion and passing in the Lok Sabha from Monday, the 9th December 2019 to Wednesday, the 11th December 2019. All members of the BJP in Lok Sabha are therefore, requested to be positively present in the House and support the government," the letter reads.

On the other hand, the Congress parliamentary strategy group is slated to meet at the residence of party chief Sonia Gandhi here today to deliberate the party's stance on the Citizenship Amendment Bill. If passed by Parliament, it will amend the Citizenship Act of 1955 introducing exceptional provisions for acquiring citizenship for non-Muslim immigrants from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Also Watch | Citizenship Amendment Bill 2019: Things You Must Know About Modi Cabinet's Upcoming Lok Sabha Bill 

The bill seeks to amend a 1955 law to grant citizenship to persecuted Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Parsis and Christians from the Muslim-majority nations of Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Pakistan if they have lived in India for six years.