New Delhi: A day after Uttar Pradesh police released posters of the missing student whose father has alleged she was sexually harassed by BJP leader Swami Chinmayanand, the cops have located her in Rajasthan. UP Police on Friday took to Twitter and informed, "In Shahjahanpur episode the girl has been located by Shahjahanpur police in Rajasthan along with her friend. Necessary legal action is being taken." The girl was found on Friday morning and she is fine, state police chief O P Singh said. She is being brought to Shahjahanpur, the director-general of police said, adding that police teams had been working in this regard since the past few days.

The Uttar Pradesh government informed the Supreme Court that they have found the woman. The apex court has asked the counsel appearing for the state to apprise it of the exact location of the woman and also that by when she can be produced before it. The state government told a bench of justices R Banumathi and A S Bopanna that the woman has been found in Rajasthan and she is being taken to Shahjahanpur in Uttar Pradesh. The top court had taken cognisance on its own in the matter after a group of lawyers had written a letter to Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi requesting him to take cognisance over the issue.

Watch | Chinmayanand case: SC asks UP govt to bring the law student in court

The woman, a student at a college run by Chinmayanand's trust, was missing since last Saturday, a day after she posted a video on social media alleging that the former Union minister was harassing and threatening to kill her. She did not name Chinmayanand in the video, but referred to "a senior leader of the sant community".

The police had on Wednesday released posters of the missing student, whose father has alleged the role of BJP leader Swami Chinmayanand. The politician, who faced similar accusations in 2011 and was booked for raping a woman who stayed at his ashram, disputed the charge.

In the video she posted online, the student alleged she has "evidence" that the 72-year-old three-time Lok Sabha member, who was a minister of state in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government, had harassed and threatened to kill her. Her father later filed a written complaint, accusing Chinmayanand of sexually harassing his daughter. But the politician's lawyer Om Singh claimed his client was being blackmailed and had received a message on WhatsApp on August 23, the day the video surfaced, demanding Rs 5 crore ransom. "There is not an iota of truth in their claims," the lawyer said.

The student's mother has said she talked to Chinmayanand over phone after visiting her hostel and he told her he was in Haridwar and will try to find her after his return to the city. The same day, her father said, the family received a call from the woman and she told her mother she was fine.

Her father said he called back on the phone number and was told it was the reception of a hotel in Mahipalpur in Delhi. But, according to UP police, she was spotted in a hotel in Delhi's Dwarka on Wednesday and she was seen accompanying a man in the CCTV footage.

(with inputs from PTI)