New Delhi: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar for delegation-level talks at the Hyderabad House in the national capital on Friday.

“Greeted Chinese FM Wang Yi at Hyderabad House. Our discussions commence shortly,” Jaishankar tweeted.

The Chinese Foreign Minister, who arrived in New Delhi on Thursday, earlier visited National Security Advisor Ajit Doval’s office in South Block.

Sources said the discussions between the two were held in a cordial atmosphere.

Sources said the Chinese side invited the National Security Advisor to visit China to take forward the mandate of Special Representatives.

Responding positively to the invitation, the National Security Advisor stated that he could visit after immediate issues are resolved successfully, added sources.

The two sides, sources said, laid emphasis on the need to take forward early and complete disengagement in remaining areas and remove impediments to allow the bilateral relationship to take its natural course

Sources said both sides categorically stated the continuation of present situation is not in mutual interest, adding the restoration of peace and tranquility will help build mutual trust and create enabling environment for progress in relations.

Sources said the two sides stressed on the need to continue positive interactions at diplomatic and military levels for restoration of peace and tranquility, which is a prerequisite for normalisation.

The two sides also agreed to ensure that actions do not violate spirit of equal and mutual security, added sources.

Sources further said both sides agreed to work in same direction and resolve outstanding issues as quickly as possible while laying thrust on the need for maturity and sincerity.

The key objective of the Chinese Foreign Minister’s visit is to restart physical engagement and also invite Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the BRICS meet to be hosted by Beijing later this year, ANI reported.

Wang had prior to his India visit attended the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) meeting in Pakistan capital Islamabad.

“On Kashmir, we have heard again today the calls of many of our Islamic friends. And China shares the same hope,” ANI reported the Chinese Foreign Minister as saying during the OIC meeting.

India had, however, rejected his remarks on Kashmir stating other countries, including China, have no locus standi to comment on its internal affairs.

This is the first visit of a senior Chinese leader to India in two years since the border stand-off between the two countries.