Chinese Foreign Ministry has released a statement on Wednesday terming India's position as illegal and vowing to take all necessary steps to protect Chinese interests.

In a statement titled "The Facts and China's Position Concerning the Indian Border Troops' Crossing of the China-India Boundary in the Sikkim Sector into the Chinese Territory", released by the foreign ministry of China, it was stated that China will take all necessary measures to protect its legitimate and lawful rights and interests; Global Times reported.

Quoting experts, the report of Global Times also said that Chinese foreign ministry statement indicates an escalation of tensions, warning that military conflict is one step closer.

Foreign ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang was reported saying  "What India has done not only severely violates China's territorial sovereignty but also poses a grave challenge to regional peace and stability and the international order, which will not be tolerated by any sovereign state".

As per the report of Global Times, the statement said that "since the incident began, China has shown utmost goodwill and great restraint, and sought to communicate with India through diplomatic channels to resolve the incident. But no country should ever underestimate the resolve of the Chinese government and people to defend China's territorial sovereignty." Three photos were attached to the statement, showing the illegal trespass of Indian troops.

Geng Shuang said that China released the document to "lay out the facts of the illegal trespass of Indian border troops to the international community and give a full account of the position of the Chinese government," the Xinhua News Agency reported.