Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a no-holds-barred interview, a few days ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, with a US magazine Newsweek, addressed the issues related to religious minorities and complaints regarding discrimination and democracy. He also spoke about the role of free press, ties and competition with China, economic growth, ending of special status for J&K, Ram Mandir, and Pakistan, among others. The Prime Minister's detailed answers shed light on some of the most discussed topics ahead of the crucial elections slated to begin on April 19 across seven phases. Here are the top quotes from the interview.

PM Modi On The Lok Sabha Elections

Speaking about the upcoming elections, the PM claimed to have an excellent track record of fulfilling the promises made by the saffron party.

"It was a big thing for the people, as they were used to promises never being fulfilled," he stated.

He also highlighted how the people of India have witnessed the country become the 5th largest economy from its earlier spot at the 11th rank, and how the country now aspires to become the third largest economy.

PM Modi On Competing With China

Talking about the transformative economic reforms undertaken by India during his tenure, PM Modi stated how the bankruptcy code, reforms in labour laws, goods, and service tax, relaxation in FDI reforms, and corporate tax reduction, have significantly improved the ease of doing business in India.

Stressing how India has become a natural choice for those seeking to diversify their supply chains, he stated: "India is a perfect destination for those who want to set up trusted and resilient supply chains."

"We believe that when a country with one-sixth of the world's population adopts global standards in these sectors, it will have a big positive impact on the world," PM Modi added.

PM Modi On Indo-China Border Row

Prime Minister Modi called India's relationship with China "important and significant". He stated that it was essential to address the prolonged border situation to end the abnormalities in the bilateral relations between the countries.

"I hope and believe that through positive and constructive bilateral engagement at the diplomatic and military levels, we will be able to restore and sustain peace and tranquility in our borders.," he added while saying that peaceful relations with China are important for not just the two nations but the entire world.

PM Modi On Democracy And Free Press

The prime minister, while talking about democracy in India remarked: "We are a democracy, not only because our Constitution says so, but also because it is in our genes."

He highlighted how the inscriptions about India's democratic values from around 1200 years ago, are a testament to "India being the mother of democracy" and how Indians have been following the democratic policies for so many years. 

PM Modi also spoke about the role of media in the functioning of a democracy like India and stated that the nation has around 1.5 lakh registered media publications and hundreds of news channels. 

"People also tend to live in their own echo chamber of alternate realities. These people conflate their own dissonance with the people with dubious claims of diminishing media freedom," PM Modi said remarking on people in India and the West, who he says have lost connection with Indians.

PM Modi On Religious Minorities Who Complain Of Discrimination

Quashing claims by people who complain that the religious minorities in India are facing discrimination, PM Modi stated: "Even India's minorities don't buy this narrative anymore. Minorities from all religions, be it Muslim, Christians, Buddhist, Sikh, Jain or even a micro-minority like Parsis are living happily and thriving in India."

He added that the schemes and initiatives being launched in India are not just for a particular community or geography. "They are meant to reach everyone, which means that they are designed in such a way that there cannot be any discrimination," PM Modi stated.

PM Modi On Abrogating J&K's Special Status

Through the interview, PM Modi encouraged people to visit Jammu and Kashmir to witness the on-ground changes themselves.

"People are reaping the peace dividend: Over 21 million tourists visited Jammu and Kashmir in 2023," he said while adding that the "people in J&K have a new hope in their lives for the first time."

He also mentioned how the revocation of Article 370 has brought a new dawn for Kashmiri women who can now enjoy the same rights as their male counterparts.

PM Modi On Ram Mandir

The prime minister while answering questions on Ram Mandir stated: "The return of Shri Ram to his birthplace marked a historic moment of unity for the nation. It was a culmination of centuries of perseverance and sacrifice."

PM Modi also spoke about the consecration ceremony, which he said "brought the whole nation together into a celebration."

"When I was asked to be part of the ceremony, I knew I would be representing the 1.4 billion people of the country, who have waited patiently for centuries to witness Ram Lalla's return,' he stated.

PM Modi On Pakistan

While he refrained from commenting on Pakistan's internal matters when questioned about the imprisonment of Imran Khan, PM Modi mentioned that he did congratulate the newly elected PM of Pakistan on taking over office.

"India has always advocated for advancing peace, security, and prosperity in our region in an atmosphere free from terror and violence," the PM said.

ALSO READ: China Relationship Important And Significant For India, Says PM Modi