Chennai: Renowned Loyola College has found itself in the centre of a storm for hosting an event having controversial paintings of Hindu deities under its roof. The paintings also include paintings of Lord Hanuman having the face the PM Narendra Modi. Among the pictures was one intended to castigate BJP’s ideological mentor RSS and blaming it for the murder of journalist Gauri Lankesh. Some of the paintings also depicted the ‘Trishul’ in an obscene and derogatory manner.

BJP National Secy H Raja, who was apoplectic with rage,  filed a police complaint claiming paintings by folk artists have insulted the prime minister, BJP and RSS.

Dolphin Sridhar, another BJP district leader from Vitugampakkam, met Tamil Nadu DGP to lodge a complaint.  He said there there was a function held at Loyola College Chennai since last two days and there was an exhibition. “All pictures placed in the exhibition are against the sovereignty of India and against Hindus, particularly Hindu Gods. So, it is highly condemnable.”

“This college run on the government's money and it is meant for people of all caste and religion. The exhibition permission given by the college is atrocious. We will ask our central government to cancel grants,” he added.

Sridhar demanded the arrest of all those controversial painters under national security act.

Trying to distance itself from the raging controversy, Loyola College issued a statement saying the paintings displayed without knowledge. It later apologized saying it is pained and anguished the cultural event hosted in its premises was misused against a particular religious group, political party and country’s leadership.  “We have removed the exhibits after it was brought to our notice, the statement read.