Chennai: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) office here received a bomb threat from an unknown person on Friday. The BJP office reported to the local Police that they received a parcel containing gunpowder and other explosive related materials along with a threat note.
An investigation has been launched to ascertain the source and sender of the parcel.
The incident comes days after few unidentified assailants hurled a petrol bomb at the Trivandrum district committee office of BJP on June 7.
The bomb was hurled by two unidentified persons on a two-wheeler. Luckily, no one was in the office when the incident took place.
As per the police, a chair in front of the office was found in a burnt condition.
BJP district president S Suresh alleged that CPI-M was behind the attack and said the incident happened at about 8.30 pm. He said police came to the spot very late.
Suresh said the party has called for a 12-hour shutdown from 6 am to 6 pm in the district.
The attack comes in the backdrop of the attempt to manhandle CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury in New Delhi by two men who claimed they were members of a group called Hindu Sena.
(With agency inputs)