New Delhi: Hours after Enforcement Directorate (ED) summoned Maharashtra state minister Nawab Malik for questioning today, Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut jumped to the defense of Malik. 

Raut alleged that the Centre is targeting Malik with ED summon for "constantly speaking the truth".

"Nawab Malik has been constantly speaking the truth and this is the reason why the Central government has let out ED behind him. He will be inquired and will come back home in the evening," said Raut while speaking to the media.

Speaking further, the Shiv Sena MP said that Malik was summoned by ED on the behest of BJP leader Kirit Somaiya. Calling the move unfair, Raut spoke of handing over cases related to BJP leaders in Maharashtra to ED and questioned whether they would deal with them in the same manner like Malik.

"BJP leader Kirit Somaiya gave this to ED. Now onwards, we will hand over all the cases against the BJP leaders to the agency and let us see whether the ED will deal with the case in a similar fashion the way it is doing in cases related against the opposition leaders."

Hinting at the formation of a different government at the Centre in the next Lok Sabha elections Raut said, "After 2024, the scenario will be different. After the next General Elections, we will let out the investigative agencies against the BJP leaders in a similar fashion."

NCP leader Nawab Malik was summoned by ED in the morning today for his alleged money laundering case related to underworld Dawood Ibrahim.