Sana has pressed bribery charges of Rs 2 crore against Alok Verma and of Rs 3 crore against Rakesh Asthana. He is known to have landed previous CBI chiefs like Ranjit Sinha in trouble in the past. Sources believe Sana is presently hoodwinking the sleuths and misleading the investigation. The CVC has reportedly given its report to Justice Patnaik who is supervising the inquiry and whose findings will be placed before the Supreme Court on Monday.
Satish Babu Sana is a businessman from Hyderabad settled in Dubai. He is known to have been hobnobbing with CBI officials in the past. The Supreme Court has directed the Hyderabad police to provide adequate security to Sana, the complainant in the alleged bribery case against CBI Special Director Rakesh Asthana. Sana in his petition had expressed fear for his life and sought police protection during the pendency of the inquiry against Asthana, who alongside CBI Director Alok Verma has been divested of duties and sent on leave by the Central government. According to Asthana, Sana paid a bribe of Rs 2 crore to save himself from CBI action in the Moin Qureshi case.
Certain media reports say Sana, a native of Kakinada, is close to leaders of TRS, Congress and YSR Congress. He owns real estate businesses in Andhra Pradesh.